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In the Spirit of a Warrior

julee yew-crijns

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

When a warrior stands in a battlefield, s/he is called upon to put all of themselves into action;

here, s/he is

powerful, courageous, wilful..

vulnerable, fearful & face to face with mortality..

S/he stands here ready for action, without any certainty of outcome..

Life is our battlefield...

We don't always have to carry the role of the warrior

& in fact, not all of us are here to play this role.

But for most of us, a time in our life calls for us to step up to meet certain challenges in our path.

This is a moment when we are required to be action orientated, focused & committed.

In order for us to do this, we have to embody the essence of the warrior..

And as we learn in the Bhagavad Gita, this also means facing uncomfortable or undesirable outcomes.

Whilst the warrior essence is fierce, strong & wilful, it also carries a shadow side. The shadow side of this is our Ego. For the warrior to be successful, ego is essential, or there can be no action. There needs to be a sense of strong self belief. But it is a quality that requires us to keep in check so that we do not fall into the role of being forceful, unreasonable or loose the way of our heart or forget our purpose, the reason we step into our role..

One of the ways we can cultivate the essence of the warrior is to commit to a challenge or practice. Something that requires us to show up consistently. This helps us build discipline & commitment. Set with a goal to work towards and observe your reactions towards your successes and set backs.

Trust yourself also, to be your teacher.

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