As teachers, we are continuously honing our communication skills in order to translate what we experience, see and feel to our students. As our teaching grows we can begin to dive deeper into understanding asana, not just as a technician, but also as a skilled observer.
In order to provide effective hands-on assists, we have to first be confident about what we see and be intuitive, but clear, about what we want to share through our touch, that our cues are unable to transmit.
A good assist can help a student safely access a deeper posture, organise their body in good alignment and experience ease & joy in a held asana. It can also transmit an understanding of a movement or key action. Additionally, the act of sharing touch is powerful both physically and emotionally and should be approached mindfully and kindly.
During this workshop we will practice observation whilst applying an understanding of the biomechanics and subtle energetics of the body, then layer on purposeful hands-on assist as a way that enhances experience of asana and supports understanding and learning. The workshop is separated into 2 different days, you can join one or both
Day 1: Touch Assist
Touch assist is an effective, easy, assessable way to offer transmit information thorough our hands. It offers students smaller, more digestible information to find more ease in yoga poses. It is also an assists that communicates to the nervous system
Day 2: Hands-On Assist
This day, we dive into assisting more technical poses that require us to be more involved when transmitting through our hands
Objective of Course
To understand why and when to give an assist
To understand how to “see” your students
To understand what assists to give
To understand how to assist
To understand what you want to achieve before you touch
To understand how to provide tactile information that other cues simply can’t provide
GloYoga Farnham
09:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00
Single Day
Past Students*
£75 / £ 140
​* for anyone who has participated in training with me
please email to book